Top Skull Harley Davidson Ohio State Buckeyes Hat Shirt
Well, the swastika wasn’t bad either until a certain someone came around. I have a red Chicago Blackhawks hat that gives me the same reaction. Be smart, be careful. It’s dangerous out there right now. Whatever your politics are, keep your trolling to your keyboards when shit is popping off outside. That was insanely dangerous and stupid. Baiting hate is also a very bad idea, especially now. The Top Skull Harley Davidson Ohio State Buckeyes Hat Shirt kid went out there for a reaction and he got it. So we know his stance, the protestors know it, and that kid knew it when he put that MAGA hat on and marched up to them. I can’t even be polite about that. The fact that you even try that says a lot about both your priorities and victim mentality. Honestly, that's all you had to say lmao. Whether or not the mob is in the wrong for assaulting you, you shouldn't have gone out of your way to piss them off. There will always be trolls and bad apples no matter the forum. They shouldn’t have mobbed the Top Skull Harley Davidson Ohio State Buckeyes Hat Shirt kid and that was wrong, but how stupid do you have to be to wear a MAGA hat to these protests? That kid got the reaction he was looking for, I guess.
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Buy it: Top Skull Harley Davidson Ohio State Buckeyes Hat Shirt

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