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From someone with opposing viewpoints on much of what you said, It pains me that civil, rational conservatives such as yourself have almost completely lost their representation in Government. While I disagree with your views, I understand and empathize with why you feel the way you do. The Rick And Morty Black Live Matter In Every Dimension Vintage Shirt problem is the GOP and republican party have failed to uphold many of the values traditional conservatives say they care about for many many years, yet the number of people such as yourself who realize that is sadly incredibly small. Civil rational politicians don't get any kind of attention. The public is the same, I've had arguments with friends on either side of the political aisle simply because I question the narrative, the second you do, even if you agree with them at the core of the Rick And Morty Black Live Matter In Every Dimension Vintage Shirt issue, you become the enemy instantly. I would say the DNC has the same problem. I'm from Australia and the DNC looks more like our conservative party. I can't imagine how depressing it must be going to the polling. While looking for something to expand on your comment. Romney fought for a fair housing law and, inexplicably.
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