Premium Joseph Stylin’ Shirt
He might have been the Premium Joseph Stylin’ shirt pioneer of the tried and true method of defenestrating health care workers when they get uppity. Some things never change. COVID-19 has a weird side effect of increasing suicide rates in Russia, but strangely only in doctors. Apparently it affects your ability to speak to the point that if you try to talk, your body suddenly has the urge to jump from the window. I heard he killed himself at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, several blunt strikes to the head and neck. Well. He did only have himself to blame. I suppose you should have been there. It’s extremely common in Russia, just like committing suicide with two bullets to the back of the head. I'm starting to think this Stalin guy wasn't all he was cracked up to be. He was a character to be sure. The episode of Behind the Bastards about his drunken escapades in his later years is worth a listen. The beginning scenes of Death of Stalin were actually pretty true to life. I love the fact they got Stalin to talk in a cockney accent because that's pretty much the Premium Joseph Stylin’ shirt English equivalent of his rural Georgian accent.
Buy it: Premium Joseph Stylin’ Shirt

Buy it: Premium Joseph Stylin’ Shirt

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