Nice Use Your Teacher Voice Black Lives Matter Shirt
I quite frankly would rather have the Nice Use Your Teacher Voice Black Lives Matter Shirt national guard handling the protests than the police. They are better trained and more disciplined. Also, people having different reasons for joining the national guard than joining the police. Hey everyone, I'm not saying the National Guard are perfect or that they get training for this kind of situation. I'm just saying they are better than the police. I'd rather deal with them, than the police. The National Guard also has rules of engagement they have to follow so it is actually safer to protest in front of them. They aren't allowed to attack civilians unprovoked like the police are. And yes, they have orders of magnitude more training than police and their reasons for joining the Nice Use Your Teacher Voice Black Lives Matter Shirt national guard is less likely to be fueled by a desire to have authority and some semblance of respect bestowed upon them. Agreed. Qualified Immunity is supposed to make sure the cops aren't afraid of doing their jobs well. Thing is it just becomes laissez-faire with no one held accountable for NOT doing their job well. Frankly, if you're too scared to do your job because of repercussions you're probably not qualified to be a cop.
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