Leslie Jordan Peace Love Well Shit Shirt
The real point is wild cats should not be in confinement, no matter how good or bad the Leslie Jordan Peace Love Well Shit Shirt caretaker is. Don't judge Kevin Richardson if you don't know about him. He doesn't breed Lions for money. He just cares for rescued lions. Well, if it's between confinement and extinction, I'd pick confinement until humanity gets its act together. Thank you, I tried saying the exact same thing on a separate post a few days ago, got absolutely annihilated for it. Some people just can't see the bigger picture. Controlled breeding programs like the ones reputable zoos partake are important for conservation.Backyard breeding for a profit does nothing but boosts egos for insecure assholes with money to burn. My local zoo is trying to keep red wolf numbers up. I visit them a couple of times in the Leslie Jordan Peace Love Well Shit Shirt summer every year. Yeah, let's let loose in the wild all those rescued wild cats who were in confinement and from carnivals. It'll be good for the buzzard population. What if they can’t survive in the wild? What if they have an injury that prevents them from hunting? What if their habitat has been overrun with poachers? You can’t just generalize things.
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