I May Live In Illinois But On Game Day My Heart And Soul Belong To Cowboys Shirt
I really am glad to be a Canadian right now, I fell like in all the madness we are doing the best we can. It might seem a little slow on the reaction, but they've probably got a set threshold for enacting each step of the response plan. I'm glad the gov had a plan but in BC I really feel like our citizens are really fuckin the dog right now. They won't stay home and are treating this like a staycation instead. At least in my city. Yesterday, the I May Live In Illinois But On Game Day My Heart And Soul Belong To Cowboys Shirt province of Nova Scotia in Canada announced the RCMP. Now has the authority to enforce social distancing. I think it's a fantastic idea. People are too stupid to be left to do the right thing on their own sometimes. Just like 9/11 made air travel and security more annoying and intrusive, this may have a similar, lasting effect elsewhere. Having lived through SARS down the road 40 minutes away and how bad it was affecting Toronto and locking down St. Mike's (one of the busier hospitals), I can say, for the most part, we are taking it seriously. And even with the I May Live In Illinois But On Game Day My Heart And Soul Belong To Cowboys Shirt lower number of overall fatalities, no one here wants a repeat of that experience.
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Buy it: I May Live In Illinois But On Game Day My Heart And Soul Belong To Cowboys Shirt

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