Hippie Elephant I Hate People Vintage Retro Shirt
Being from Long beach Area, the Hippie Elephant I Hate People Vintage Retro Shirt first thing that came to my Grandfather's mind. "I bet now would be a good time to go to the beach". We haven't lived there for 10 years and still the moment he said that The news LA closing beaches. In 1918 Philadelphia ended quarantine from the Spanish Flu early and had a parade to boost morale. Within days every hospital bed in the city was filled and in short order over 4,500 people died. Those who cannot learn from the past are condemned to repeat it. The government was lying the numbers and disease in general and let Philly hold the parade anyway. That said, yeah that parade really fuck them up. Good thing that the Hippie Elephant I Hate People Vintage Retro Shirt current government isn’t downplaying this at all or has a leader that wants to celebrate any little thing if it helps him look marginally ‘good’. There will be a bunch of people that are fine after these idiotic beach visits and it will give other states/locals a sense of security, and then they go out and then repeat. This could end up being a MUCH bigger viral relapse than the Spanish Flu'sI know it’s easy to point.
Buy it: Hippie Elephant I Hate People Vintage Retro Shirt

Buy it: Hippie Elephant I Hate People Vintage Retro Shirt

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