Dad Can’t Fix Stupid But He Can Fix What Stupid Does Shirt
Yeah, it's one of my reasons, too. Personalities seem pretty random and not really tied to how you raise someone. All my nieces and nephews are drastically different. I'm fairly certain one of them is on some kind of psychopath spectrum, or at least doesn't have empathy. He likes to play with fire, he has dead glazed over eyes, he refuses to listen to any authority figure, he does weird sexual and violent things. His brother is the Dad Can’t Fix Stupid But He Can Fix What Stupid Does Shirt opposite. He hasn't been abused or mistreated, he's always been that way.
Niece and nephew twins are literally the Dad Can’t Fix Stupid But He Can Fix What Stupid Does Shirt definition of darkness and light respectively. Might not be the majority of children but there’s enough for me to add it to the list. I just don’t have the capacity to be able to handle that if it happened to me. Not worth the risk. Well if you’re that scared of failure and chance, might as well not get off your bed tomorrow or you might trip on something, hit your head, and die. It's not fear of failure, it's fear of throwing away the life I love and putting maximum effort into raising a worthless person. But that's not even in my top 20 reasons to not have kids.
Buy it: Dad Can’t Fix Stupid But He Can Fix What Stupid Does Shirt

Niece and nephew twins are literally the Dad Can’t Fix Stupid But He Can Fix What Stupid Does Shirt definition of darkness and light respectively. Might not be the majority of children but there’s enough for me to add it to the list. I just don’t have the capacity to be able to handle that if it happened to me. Not worth the risk. Well if you’re that scared of failure and chance, might as well not get off your bed tomorrow or you might trip on something, hit your head, and die. It's not fear of failure, it's fear of throwing away the life I love and putting maximum effort into raising a worthless person. But that's not even in my top 20 reasons to not have kids.
Buy it: Dad Can’t Fix Stupid But He Can Fix What Stupid Does Shirt

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