Chemistry Is Like Cooking Just Don't Lick The Classic Shirt
It can take a lot of courage to speak up in situations like this where your partner is doing something wrong. But I am sure, eventually, he will work up the courage to finally leave you. I hate when people leave the Chemistry Is Like Cooking Just Don't Lick The Classic Shirttails on shrimp especially in pasta dishes. Why not just remove it all? Or when they don't devein the shrimp. There's no place for shit-filled intestine in food. Tails I don't mind so much, it adds flavor. If I'm cooking, I'll cook them tails on for the extra shrimpiness, but I will take them off for my guests before serving. Not just for myself though, too lazy to pick through a whole dish; I do it as I eat in that case. So I get it when it's served to the Chemistry Is Like Cooking Just Don't Lick The Classic Shirt me that way. Shrimp that hasn't been deveined though? It fills me with rage. It's not even a concept thing- I know it's safe to eat and I'm not grossed out even though it's technically waste. It's texture! So goddamn grainy! Call me a sheltered American, but when I bite into fish unless it's breaded or has a crisped skin, I don't want little particles of crunch.
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